It's been trying to be spring. We've gone from the sub-arctic to several weeks of positively balmy weather. But spring comes with a price in the mountains--wind. Yesterday it took the plastic right off greenhouse number 4. It was a frantic, whipping race to get another piece on before dark. Try holding onto 50 feet of sail in a 40mph blow! If it weren't still dropping to freezing (and below) we'd have left if off, but the plants are leaping into growth with these 65 degree days...not dormant anymore. And last night it was cold enough for grapple to fall. Would a little rain be too much to ask?!
We've been pleasantly surprised by the recovery the plants are making. It looks like that -30 didn't do the damage we were expecting. The fruit trees look hopeful, tulips, dafs, and crocus are coming up all over--even things that froze to the ground (like my 4th of July rose) are showing some green. What else is showing signs of life--catmint, of course, enormously tough up here. The dianthus planted outside stayed green, soapwort is greening up, little leaves coming out on the strawberries, big green leaves on the hollyhocks and oriental poppies. The lilacs have fat little buds. The barberries are leafing out. Potentilla and delphiniums too. The peaches in # 6 are flowering! No more arctic freezes, please!
We got #3 & 4 lashed down with line to keep the plastic from billowing. Tomorrow we'll get 6 & 7 roped down. Should of done it last fall...oh well. Can't spend every day dabbling in the dirt.